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Hello Blogging World


print('Hello Blogging World')

Hello Blogging World 👋

Every weekend, I try to play around with tech or read some good books. For this weekend, I might as well start a blog and dump some stuff here every now and then.

What Blogging Platform to choose 📖

Since I dont just want to blog, I also want to play with some tech, I opted to search for some open source blogging platform. Wordpress is great and all but at this time, I want something different.

I've also tried Ghost and Hugo before, so I want something different this time.

Tailwind Nextjs Starter Blog 💡

While searching around, I came upon this Tailwind Nextjs Starter Blog. I found it interesting because it uses both Tailwind and NextJs.

I am not sure if i'll ever need to do any modification on it but might as well play around with it 😁 yeah, that's it for now. Hopefully I can make this consistent 😁
